the Head masters of this islamic Boarding School.!
all the teachers .!
mr. chairman.!
عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الحمد لله الذي جعل النهار معاشا للبشر وجعل الليل راحة
للانام وارسل رسوله بالهدي ودين الحق ليظهر علي الدين كله ولوكره المشركون ولوكره
وسلاما دائمين متلازمين علي حبيبنا محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم الذي قد بدل جهده
لتقويم عقائد المتدينين وعلي اله واصحابه ومن تبعه باحسان الي يوم الدين.
توجيه كافة الشكر لفضيلتكم يارئيس الجلسة علي اعطائكم فرصة غالية بأن اخطب تجاهكم هذه الليلة .
First of all lets thank Allah the
almighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing so we can attend this
meeting in this beautiful night, all praises be to Allah him alone we ask help
and we seek forgiveness there is no god but Allah.
Secondly may sholawat and salam be
with our prophet Muhammad saw. Who is downed to this world to show us the
principles of islam and points us islam the god’s religion as the best religion
on this world who shows us the peace way.
And I never forget to thank mr
chaiman who has given me a little opportunity to deliver my speech in front of
this public, I am standing here in front of you all I would like to present my
speech its about :
All my loving brothers!
Our holy quran is for life where we
have to open and read it to get meaning of life because it is the pointer of
life of universe especially human how with it can get communications with our
god, people, universe.
Even our ego
is the limited ego.
But we have seen how does about
general prescription is not suitable as the Al quran basically how they have it
as an old document, how thwy put it in the corner of mosque or on cupboard they
take it as scared book to stand on unlucky being how the pieces of its letters
on the wall calligraphy it should be the pointer recondilation of life .
But today generals in their
activities in science politic, social, study and art of maybe in all of the
part of life they don’t use it any more but they prefer to book where when we check it deeper we will
know that it points us to capitalism socialism, communism, materralism,
Zionism, and to the best ways, yeah, it seems like humanity but when we check it more and more it is atheism.
Perception to Al qur’an as scared
book is a general perception, in community they price it as a supranatural book who can stand them
from unlucky, life maybe it would be better that they fire it and eat it may be
they will be a supranatural man or they wanna fly.
So it is very important we explain
them abaout it all they price it just from the text, from the letter but not
stately. So do we know that our holy qur’an was be studied by Zionism people
and Christians also they want to study about sciense and news technolog from it.
All my audiences in islam.
As we known today is culture war,
where the zionis and communism they want to break our religion as the best
religion and the highest culture and loose it from the world, it is their main
purpose so we as the next generation of islam we have to stand up realize about
it than try to defend it,
I thInk enough here my speech and
iof you find many mistacles from my speech that comes from my self, and if it
true it comes from Allah. Thank you from your attention and the last I say you :
و السّلام عليكم ورحمة
الله وبركاته
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